Výsledky vyhledávání - "Barbara Allan, 1954-"

1 - 6 z 6
  1. 1

    E-learning and teaching in library and information services

    Online learning is becoming an increasingly important approach to user education, information literacy and ILS staff development. ILS staff are becoming increasingly involved in the business of …


    Nalezeno v 1 instituci

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    Project management : tools and techniques for today's LIS professional

    Allan offers in-depth guidance on project management for librarians working alone and for those working in large organizations. Topics covered include project life cycle and analysis, planning, …


    Nalezeno v 1 instituci

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    Developing library staff through work-based learning

    The topic of staff development is not new to the world of library work and its need in today's information organization is no less pressing. But how can a manager hope to attract and maintain a …

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